Our Webb Page

Our Webb Page

Monday, August 16, 2010

When the cat's away, the mice play.

I left the kiddos at home with Brandon while I went to get school supplies. This is what they did while I was gone.

When I left she had a onesie on. Where are her clothes? Target practice on the baby? Oh my! ha ha ;)

No wonder why when I offered to have a nerf gun war with Ethan he declined and said, "it's more fun with dad."
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MS Photog said...

Hey Brandon, my boys want to know if you can babysit sometime?

Emily said...

Those pictures are so funny!! What would we do without Dads!!

Denelle said...

That's quite the target you guys have there. Fun, fun. So crazy, school doesn't start until next Tuesday for Sierra. I think tonight is probably the only night I'm going to be able to get away to go school supply shopping. Yippee! I'm so excited.;o)

Lindsay said...

That's adorable!

melissa said...

Dads are more fun when it comes to that kind of stuff! They all look like they're having a blast!

AudBall said...

I love that picture of J. So funny, she has little boobies. ha ha ha

cam said...

These pictures are hillarious! I can just picture this. We were remembering C-ville tonight. We laughed and laughed. Missing you.